ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
Junior Men class 7 as of 2017-10-01

You can sort this table by clicking on column headers and filter data by searching on part of player's name.
RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious Rating
13974YAN ShuoCHNAsia15631563
24483INOUE MasachikaJPNAsia13321332
34858WESTERBERG Nicklas Thomas SWEEurope13271304
45214HEMMI KosukeJPNAsia10491028
55442CHUDZICKI Maksym HubertPOLEurope10161039
64759LASKOSKY Gustavo AlexandreBRAAmericas10131013
75017OMELCHUK BogdanUKREurope975943
85186TRTNIK LukaSLOEurope972969
94518KANIUKA Aleksy NicolasARGAmericas956938
104904ROMAN CHINCHILLA StevenCRCAmericas899899
115464BLAND AlexanderGBREurope878858
124640ORAZBEK AzamatKAZAsia859859
135141LEE Se HoKORAsia856856
145022KOTENG MarkusNOREurope779781
154615EIER DustinNEDEurope747747

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
4770BAENA AGUILAR Cristian CamiloCOLAmericas
5715BAHAMONDES VEGA Claudio BenjaminCHIAmericas
5547CUCAITA VARGAS David ErnestoCOLAmericas
5680FONSECA Paulo HenriqueBRAAmericas
5700GALLARDO BRICENO Enmanuel AlejandroVENAmericas
5564GONZALEZ ZENIQUEL Marcos NicolasARGAmericas
5437GUSTAFSSON Sam CarlSWEEurope
5841JELINEK KristianCZEEurope
4687KHAN Naazim JavedINDAsia
5562MARTINEZ ALCALDE Emanuel EmilianoARGAmericas
5438OLSSON Noah Anton LinusSWEEurope
4767REYES GONZALEZ Juan PabloCHIAmericas
5161ROJAS HernanCRCAmericas
5724SADYKOV AdilbekKAZAsia
5614SEGUIN Gabriel CANAmericas
5736VALACH TomasSVKEurope
Generated on 2017-10-06 at 17:43