ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
U23 Men class 6 as of 2023-03-01 in singles

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RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious rating
15282PARENZAN MatteoITAEurope12461246
24564SEIDENFELD Ian PhilipUSAAmericas11651165
35074CHATZIKYRIAKOS Marios KanellisGREEurope10411041
45411TORRES OROSTICA Ignacio HernanCHIAmericas10321032
56183EMINOVIC HarisBIHEurope916916
66424MANTURZ PiotrPOLEurope881881
75851MULLER BenediktGEREurope833833
86256BASTARDO Mario JoaoPOREurope751751
95541VERA ANCHUNDIA Jim JazmaniECUAmericas598598
105614SEGUIN GabrielCANAmericas576576
115841JELINEK KristianCZEEurope452452
126018MAKELA Aaro Toivo SamuliFINEurope410410

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
6567ALTSHULER Samuel WilliamUSAAmericas
6625ARAUJO DO AMARAL Marcos ViniciusBRAAmericas
6710ARNOLD CORREA LeonardoBRAAmericas
6598CARDOSO JoaoPOREurope
2460CHOY Hing LamHKGAsia
6246ELSOKARY MarwanEGYAfrica
440HASSAN ALI Faraq FouadEGYAfrica
5964HAYEK Mahmoud AbedJORAsia
6688MAGNUSSEN KrizanderNOREurope
493MANNER MarkkuFINEurope
6635MICOVIC MilanSRBEurope
6775OLIVEIRA FernandoBRAAmericas
6663PEREZ SANCHEZ Mario AlbertoMEXAmericas
6394PRADO MEDINA Daniel IgnacioPERAmericas
6563PROPERJOHN LennardAUSOceania
6599SEFT MarcelROUEurope
1142TAYEM MohammadJORAsia
6755VOICIS ValtersLATEurope
2996YANEZ AMPUERO Guileermo EverthPERAmericas
Generated on 2023-03-01 at 11:06