ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
Women class 1 as of 2023-01-01 in mixed doubles

You can sort this table by clicking on column headers and filter data by searching on part of player's name.
RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious rating
13155BUCLAW DorotaPOLEurope805805
26613SPEGEL Jana MargareteGEREurope791791
36016TAPOLA Aino Sirri MaariaFINEurope590590
44920SOMMER JaninaGEREurope522522
56198ALMYRISL MaryamKSAAsia496496
66608BOURNIA Evanthia EiriniGREEurope469469
75084BOERS Maria ElizabethNEDEurope465465

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
6671RISTIC ZeljanaSRBEurope
Generated on 2022-12-28 at 14:40