ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
U23 Men class 9 as of 2022-12-01 in singles

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RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious rating
14938DEVOS LaurensBELEurope18101787
25858STACEY JoshuaGBREurope16631637
35426KATS LevUKREurope16321645
46028CEPAS AnderESPEurope15201519
55862DIDIER LucasFRAEurope15051422
65536DOS SANTOS CARVALHO LucasBRAAmericas11631163
76097ABE HayumaJPNAsia10811081
85943GHOLAMI MohammaderfanIRIAsia985985
96051CHIN Brady Zi RongMASAsia976976
103310CHINCHILLA RAMOS Julian AndresCOLAmericas930930
115517AZIZI HilmiINAAsia753753
126425ZIELINSKI MarcinPOLEurope697697
136024QASEM AbdullahKUWAsia694694

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
2369AHMED Abdel LatifEGYAfrica
2022AVETISYAN HmayakARMEurope
6601BARTOSIK DominikPOLEurope
6004BAYALA Ble Jean PierreCIVAfrica
6395BRUSCHI MirkoITAEurope
5639CHEKHYOR Mohammed KadhimIRQAsia
6687CROUSE Joseph WilliqmGBREurope
6720DUARTE PARRACHO Bruno MiguelPOREurope
3141HABSHAN ThamerKSAAsia
6559HSIEH Tsung YingTPEAsia
5965IKSAN FaisatulINAAsia
6576LEVI Yehonatan ChaimISREurope
3366LOPEZ LauquenARGAmericas
6537LOPEZ VELEZ Jeriel GustavoPURAmericas
6679MUSKA JanCZEEurope
6631NOVOTNY TomasCZEEurope
6691NSUBUGA YusufUGAAfrica
6407PAVEZ LucasCHIAmericas
278PELLETIER MartinCANAmericas
6555PLEITES DavidGUAAmericas
6232PREZA EnriqueMEXAmericas
6711SKLIARSKY EithanARGAmericas
4997SOWA Dawid AntoniPOLEurope
6475SULTAN LinadrPHIAsia
6539VERA POGUIO Luis ErnestoECUAmericas
6646WAND Jonas EliasGEREurope
5879YADAV RavinderINDAsia
Generated on 2022-11-27 at 15:57