ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
Women class 7 as of 2022-07-01 in doubles

You can sort this table by clicking on column headers and filter data by searching on part of player's name.
RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious rating
13019KORKUT KubraTUREurope12071207
23779KIM SeongokKORAsia11701170
319MUNOZ GiselleARGAmericas11091109
45436SAND Smilla Agnes LinneaSWEEurope10591042
55160PEREZ VILLALBA ClaudiaMEXAmericas1045
65274KORNELIUSSEN NoraNOREurope1016984
75913MENESES FERREIRA AlineBRAAmericas983983
86337OLIV TizianaGEREurope953953
95030GONZALEZ PilarESPEurope919928

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
6421ABDELAZIZ SamahEGYAfrica
Generated on 2022-07-31 at 21:01