ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
Junior Men class 6 as of 2019-04-01

You can sort this table by clicking on column headers and filter data by searching on part of player's name.
RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious Rating
14515PINO LORCA Matias NicolasCHIAmericas11941155
24564SEIDENFELD Ian PhilipUSAAmericas11181180
35282PARENZAN MatteoITAEurope10881063
44203LAUE TimGEREurope10751094
55451SHICHINO KazukiJPNAsia10561074
65411TORRES OROSTICA Ignacio HernanCHIAmericas983983
75851MULLER BenediktGEREurope958958
85074CHATZIKYRIAKOS Marios KanellisGREEurope890830
94145HOLDBACK ConnorAUSOceania865865
95659ANDRASIC LukaSRBEurope865865

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
5985BOVE MarcoITAEurope
5547CUCAITA VARGAS David ErnestoCOLAmericas
5793LLAVE AsierESPEurope
6018MAKELA Aaro Toivo SamuliFINEurope
5539SCHNEIDER Edward AndrewUSAAmericas
5975SKOP GiladISREurope
Generated on 2019-04-07 at 20:58