ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
Junior Men class 7 as of 2016-12-01

You can sort this table by clicking on column headers and filter data by searching on part of player's name.
RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious Rating
12778NIKOLENKO MaksymUKREurope15611561
23974YAN ShuoCHNAsia15381538
33733SALMIN FILHO Paulo SergioBRAAmericas13861386
44483INOUE MasachikaJPNAsia13341314
54489DEIGSLER MichalPOLEurope12941294
64858WESTERBERG Nicklas Thomas SWEEurope12351235
75416GEORLY JasonINAAsia10821082
85214HEMMI KosukeJPNAsia10731073
94518KANIUKA Aleksy NicolasARGAmericas9871048
105186TRTNIK LukaSLOEurope956956
114255MC ALOOSE HunterUSAAmericas885885
125141LEE Se HoKORAsia847847
134904ROMAN CHINCHILLA StevenCRCAmericas833738
145022KOTENG MarkusNOREurope829829
154615EIER DustinNEDEurope716716

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
5464BLAND AlexanderGBREurope
5442CHUDZICKI Maksym HubertPOLEurope
5547CUCAITA VARGAS David ErnestoCOLAmericas
5564GONZALEZ ZENIQUEL Marcos NicolasARGAmericas
5437GUSTAFSSON Sam CarlSWEEurope
5562MARTINEZ ALCALDE Emanuel EmilianoARGAmericas
5438OLSSON Noah Anton LinusSWEEurope
5017OMELCHUK BogdanUKREurope
4767REYES GONZALEZ Juan PabloCHIAmericas
5161ROJAS HernanCRCAmericas
5443WLAZLO Wojciech JaroslawPOLEurope
Generated on 2016-12-16 at 17:26