ITTF Para Table Tennis Ranking Lists
Junior Women class 10 as of 2016-02-01

You can sort this table by clicking on column headers and filter data by searching on part of player's name.
RankPlayer IDNameCountry Region RatingPrevious Rating
13759YANG QianCHNAsia17351845
23846COSTA ALEXANDRE BrunaBRAAmericas16431742
34716WALLOE Sophie AmandaDENEurope15041592
43022ERTIS ÜmranTUREurope14421524
54850DOR KarmitISREurope13971478
63169TURKKAN HilalTUREurope13511424
74448DEMIR MerveTUREurope13441418
84347TIAN Shiau WenTPEAsia13291404
92584CAN EbruTUREurope13191392
103570BICSAK BettinaHUNEurope12811349
114163SARATOVA DariaRUSEurope12791352
124589DWI RADAYANA ShellaINAAsia12331299
124595REEG MarleneGEREurope12331308
144160TEPELEA Ioana- MonicaROUEurope11531219
155140BAEK EoJinKORAsia10551112
165403ESPINOZA PEREZ Ailyn PaulinaCHIAmericas10161073
174992MORALES ARAYA Francisca del CarmenCHIAmericas9651018

Active unrated players

Player IDNameCountryRegion
5394FRUTOS Juliana Ailen ARGAmericas
5335MNYANDU Sthabile FranciscaRSAAfrica
Generated on 2016-02-03 at 21:13