History of this site for 2009

Date Change
31 December 2009 Addresses updated with contact data for Romania.
Players educational brochure in English, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
29 December 2009 Addresses updated with new contact person and web site for Austria.
28 December 2009 Few notes about about the 2010 World Championships by selection officer Nico Verspeelt:
  • All requests for fixing errors found in the January ranking list must be made before January, 10th.
  • All informations about the World Championships will be published on January, 15th:
    • General informations from organizers.
    • General informations about selection system.
    • Single selections acceptance or rejection.
    • Request for Wild Cards.
    • Proposition of team composition.
    • Information regarding clothing regulation.

Information, 1st entry form and 2ndentry form of the 2010 Slovakia Open.
20 December 2009 Inspection report of Polish Open 2010.
An article by Alejandra Gabaglio about an ITTF training camp for disabled women in India. I also added the contact data for India to the addresses.
Information, 1st entry form and 2nd entry form of the 2010 French Open.
13 December 2009 I fixed some errors in the preview of the January 2010 ranking list.
12 December 2009 Information, 1st entry form and 2nd entry form of the 2nd International Rivas Vaciamadrid Open Table Tennis Championship.
8 December 2009 General information, 1st entry form and 2nd entry form of the 4th Romanian Open.
4 December 2009 Added ranking points, ratings and results of the African Championships.
Added ranking points, ratings and results of the Brazilian Open.
Added ranking points, ratings and results of the South Africa Open.
Update of preview of the January 2010 ranking list.
26 November 2009 Official web site of Brazil Open whree results will be published

Major update of the 2010 calendar: 3 cancelations, 2 new tournaments and contact data for most tournaments.
General information, 1stentry form of 7th Slovenia Open.
Invitation and 1st entry form of Lignano Master Open 2010.
21 November 2009 Partial results of the Tango Cup.
Added ranking points, ratings and results of the Gwangju championships.
Update of preview of the January 2010 ranking list.
TD report of the 2009 Para Panamerican Championships.
15 November 2009 TD reports of German Open , Lignano Open for standing players and Lignano Open for wheelchair players .
13 November 2009 Update of preview of the January 2010 ranking list: I forgot to remove the points of 2007 regional championships for Africa, Asia & Oceania and Americas.
12 November 2009 Added ranking points, ratings and results of the Lignano Master Open for wheelchair players.
Added ranking points, ratings and results of the Lignano Master Open for standing players.
Preview of the January 2010 ranking list that will be used for selection for the 2010 World Championships. This is a preview, it should not be used for seeding at any tournament. It is intended for players so that they report potential errors. There may be some classifications updates missing that I will complete soon. It will be updated after each new tournament.
11 November 2009 Players list of Brazil Open.
9 November 2009 Results and ranking points of the 2009 Asia & Oceania Championships. Ratings will be delayed by few days until Rating Central processing comes back.
5 November 2009 TD report of 1st Rivas Vaciamadrid international open.
3 November 2009 Tournament Officer Gorazd Vecko presents 2010 calendar and also the new tournament secretary Mateja Pintar .
Players lists of Tango Cup VII and 1st Gwangju-Korea International Championships .
25 October 2009 Results and ranking points of the 1er Open de Rivas Vaciamadrid.
Correct results and ranking points of the 2009 Para Panamerican Championships: the results of team events played in round robin were not included.
20 October 2009 Players lists of Lignano Master Open for standing players and wheelchair players .
17 October 2009 Final entry forms of African Championships and South African Open Tournament .
Little reminder that there will be testing of the new proposal for change of service rule at the 2009 Copa Tango.
Two weeks after the ITTF PTT Parapan American Table Tennis Championships held in Islas Margaritas, now is the time of junior athletes get in action in Bogota, read more...
9 October 2009 Results (Open and classes) of the 1er Open de Rivas Vaciamadrid..
Results and ranking points of the 2009 Para Panamerican Championships.
2 October 2009 Results (Open and Singles) of the 2009 ParaPanam Championships.
Players list of 1er Open de Rivas Vaciamadrid.
Players lists of Lignano Master Open for standing players and wheelchair players .
Thanks to Bill Greenblatt for a picture of Daryl Sterling .
1 October 2009 October ranking list.
26 September 2009 Portuguese version of the classification manual made by Monique Lima and overviewed by Edimilson Matias Pinheiro.
24 September 2009 Added ranking points, ratings and results of the 2009 German Open.
22 September 2009 Updated contact data for few members.
15 September 2009 Calendar updated with documents of South Africa TT Open and African Championships.
12 September 2009 Added ranking points, ratings, results and TD report of the 2009 Polish Open.
10 September 2009 Reply to TD report for Slovakia Open 2009, from the Players’ Committee.
30 August 2009 Players list of Parapanamerican Championships.
26 August 2009 Players list of Polish Open.
19 August 2009 Players list of German Open.
11 August 2009 British paralympic performance team appointed for table tennis .
10 August 2009 Added 2nd entry forms of Lignano tournaments for standing players and wheelchair players .
26 July 2009 Tournament Officer Gorazd Vecko presents 2010 preliminary calendar . The calendar will be updated when some small changes and/or additions will be fixed !
22 July 2009 2nd entry form of Asia and Oceania TT championships. Please note the new hotel:
Jerusalem International Hotel
4 Amman Jordan University Street
Tel : 0096265151121
Web : www.Jerusalem.com.jo
17 July 2009 Two new tournaments added to the calendar: African Championships (factor 50) and S.A. TT Championships (factor 20).
Both championships are open only to the African players; this decision was taken during our meeting in Genova to give the African players a possibility to join the WC 2010.
I added pagination and search features to the news page.
12 July 2009 I added 2 new features to the calendar:
  • Old tournaments are now hidden but you can still make them re-appear by clicking on "Show all tournaments".
  • You can filter tournaments by entering some text in the search field.
8 July 2009 Selection officer Nico Verspeelt has updated the general informations about the 2010 World Championships and the selection process. The changes are highlighted in yellow; the most important ones are the date change and 2 additional slots for women.
1 July 2009 Here is the July ranking list.
28 June 2009 Added ranking points , ratings and results of the 2009 European Championships.
27 June 2009 2nd entry form of the Tango Cup VII.
25 June 2009 Added French Championships results to players' profiles.
24 June 2009 As some people were unable to open the entry forms for Lignano Masters, new versions of the forms have been uploaded to the calendar and the deadline for first entry has been extended to July 30th.
TD report of the 2009 Arafura Games.
TD report of the 2009 Slovakia Open.
TD report of the 2009 Slovakia Open.
10 June 2009 Added Information , 1st entry form , 2nd entry form for Brazil Open. Please note the location changee : it is now in Brasilia (no longer in Rio).
2 June 2009 This the updated report of the Players’ meetings in Slovakia, Slovenia and Romania. It is quite obvious that over recent months a large number of players have voiced their concern over a number of new regulations that have been implemented this year in 2009.
As a result Vincent Boury, the Athletes Representative has sent this utive Committee with the aim of organizing a meeting with them in Genoa.
26 May 2009 Added ranking points, ratings and results of the 2009 Romania Open.
Added ranking points, ratings and results of the 2009 Arafura Games Open.
23 May 2009 Two notes about the applications to the 2011 Regional Championships:
19 May 2009 List of players of the Genova 2009 European Championships.
16 May 2009 During the four Regional Championships, the single events will be played in Round Robin (first stage) and KO (second stage). We will as we normally do play priority of groups of three players (meaning there could be four players in some groups). The two best players from each group will go through to 2nd KO stage.
15 May 2009 Added results of class 1 and 2 French championships to players' profiles.
Little reminder that there will be testing of the new proposal for change of service rule at the 2009 Romanian Open.
13 May 2009 General information and 1st entry form of the 2009 Asia & Oceania Championships.
12 May 2009 Added ranking points, ratings, results and TD report of the 2009 Slovenia Open.
3 May 2009 In an article for USA table tennis magazine, U.S. coach Sean O'Neill gives serving tips for all players by observing wheelchair players.
2 May 2009 Updated list of players of the 2009 Romanian Open.
30 April 2009 Results of the PTT Division elections.
25 April 2009 Added ranking points, ratings and results of the 2009 Slovakia Open.
Players list of the 2009 Romanian Open.
24 April 2009 Partial results of the 2009 Slovakia Open.
23 April 2009 Updated players' list of Slovenia Open 2009.
Alison Burchell presents the site inspection report for the 2010 world championships in Gwangju.
22 April 2009 Partial results of the 2009 Slovakia Open.
20 April 2009 TD report of the 2nd Al Watani TT Championships.
19 April 2009 Edimilson Matias Pinheiro released the Portuguese translation of the rule book.
18 April 2009 Players' list of Slovenia Open 2009.
Added ranking points, ratings and results of the Czech Open 2009 .
17 April 2009 Partial results of the 2009 Czech Open.
16 April 2009 Partial results of the 2009 Czech Open.
Information to the nations.
15 April 2009 Players list of the 2009 Slovakia Open.
13 April 2009 Leandro Olvech released PTT promotional campaign with posters in our facebook group in English, French and Spanish. Those who want to print them can download a high resolution version in English , French and Spanish.
8 April 2009 Players list of the 2009 Czech Open.
TD report of the 2009 Hungarian Open.
7 April 2009 Added ranking points, ratings and results of the 2nd Al Watani TT Championships.
New version of the synoptic calendar for 2010, the previous one was wrong.
3 April 2009 Information, 1st entry form and 2nd entry form of the 1st International Rivas Vaciamadrid Open Table Tennis Championship.
Information and 1st entry form of the tango Cup VII.
1 April 2009 Here is the April ranking list.
Added ranking points, ratings and results of the 2009 Hungarian Open.
An important announce from tournament officer Jiri Danek and chairman Øivind Eriksen : about Fa 20 tournaments in 2010.
28 March 2009 Detailed results of Hungarian Open. Ranking points will come later due to a technical problem but should be ready for April ranking list.
26 March 2009 Program of Genova 2009 European Championships.
Players list of 2nd Open Al Watani championships.
Classification seminar form of Parapanamerican championships 2009.
Classification seminar form of Asian and Oceanian Regional Championships 2009.
22 March 2009 Added 1st Gwangju-Korea International Para Table Tennis Championships to calendar. It will be the test event for the World Championships' organizing committee.
21 March 2009 An important precision from chairman Øivind Eriksen :
Since World Championships are going to have KO system for teams, as per of the Rules and Regulations the upcoming Regional Championships must use the KO system for teams also.
19 March 2009 An article from Joachim Voigt about the tetra training camp in the German Table Tennis Centre (DTTZ) in Düsseldorf.
The web site of Americas Table Tennis Committee for the disabled is back online.
Some photos and a video of the friendly tournament for Austrian, Czech and Slovak wheelchair players.Here are the results: goup 1, group 2 and KO sytem .
17 March 2009 Updated address for the Netherlands as the NEBAS has transferred all matters concerning table tennis to the Netherlands Table Tennis Association.
16 March 2009 Added Arafura Games 2nd entry form .
Alison Burchell presents the minutes of a PTT meeting in Lausanne in February 2009.
13 March 2009 Chinese translation of the 2 important notes below.
10 March 2009 Two imporant notes from selection officer Nico Verspeelt :
  • Only players who have been classified and have an International Classification Card by the date of the second entry deadline can enter a Fa 40 tournament in 2009. Thus there will only be classifiers observing at Fa 40 events this year.
  • In order to be considered for selection for the 2010 ITTF PTT World Championships, players must have an international classification, be on the ranking list and have achieved the tournament credit of 20 points. To achieve the tournament credit of 20 points, each player must have competed in a tournament of Fa 20 or Fa 40 between 1 October 2008 and 31 December 2009. Please note that no tournament credit points can be accumulated by participating to the regional championships.
08 March 2009 Invitation and 1st entry form of the 5th German Open.
07 March 2009 Interview with Joachim Voigt well known for his great table tennis photos and now head coach of the German team.
06 March 2009 Final player list of Hungarian Open.
Welcome to Edimilson Matias Pinheiro who replaces Leandro Olvech as Americas' representative
05 March 2009 Karol Ziduliak presents the updated seventh edition of ITTF PTT Rules and Regulations and a summary of changes .
Partial player list of Hungrian Open.
04 March 2009 Letter of resignation of Leandro Olvech in English and in Spanish.
25 Februrary 2009 2nd entry form of Slovenia Open 2009.
20 Februrary 2009 Entries by number of Slovakia Open 2009.
18 Februrary 2009 Final entry form and current status of first entries of Genova 2009 European Championships.
15 Februrary 2009 Calendar updated with English and Spanish documents of Parapanamerican championships 2009.
17 Februrary 2009 Invitation and entry form of TD educarion seminar in Genova 2009 Euro of TD educarion seminar in Genova 2009 European Championships.
Information about the proposed change of service rule in wheelchair
15 Februrary 2009 Calendar updated with English and Spanish documents of Parapanamerican championships 2009.
12 Februrary 2009 Added Jane Karla Rodrigues website to her profile page.
ITTF article about the Para Table Tennis Division meeting at the ITTF headquarters in Lausanne in January.
10 Februrary 2009 Announce of a friendly tournament for Austrian, Czech and Slovak wheelchair players.
03 Februrary 2009 Join our facebook group to see the world premiere of our new promotional video with images and interviews from Beijing that will be released on Friday.
01 Februrary 2009 Please note that the dates for Asia and Oceania Championships have been set one day earlier in calendar to avoid overlapping with Lignano.
28 January 2009 TD report of Margarita Island Championships.
22 January 2009 Added David Alonso's web site to his profile page.
20 January 2009 TD report of Copa Tango VI.
18 January 2009 Calendar updated with documents and new dates for Lignano Master Open for standing and wheelchair players.
11 January 2009 "An example for the world": an article written by Joachim Voigt about Brasilian Championships.
9 January 2009 New version of the rules and regulations book.
8 January 2009 The organizing committee of Czech Open got the request from some countries to delay a little the deadline for sending the 1st entry form. As we haven't, up to this time, the sufficient number of players, we decided to delay the deadline until January 20th, 2009 for a good competition.
4 January 2009 Added Tomy Piñas's web site to his profile page.
Added Beijing photos to these players' profiles: Marcin Skrzynecki , Ingela Lundbäck, Narges Khazaei, Kyoung Sik Choi , Yan Zhang, Selcuk Cetin, Kyung Mook Kim , Inna Karmayeva, Jorge Cardona, Luiz Algacir Vergilio Da Silva , Liu Jing, Catherine Mitton, Vincent Boury .
Calendar updated with documents and new dates for Lignano Master Open for standing and wheelchair players.
"Play hard, play fair…and respect the rules!": a short brochure for players written by Cindy Leung, Delano Lai Fatt and Vincent Boury.