Internet MEETING MINUTES, 2001-01-06
Present: Christian Lillieroos, Nico Verspeelt, Aart Kruimer, Aksel Beckmann (Only under point 7 and 8), Margit Beckmann (Only under point 7 and 8).
Christian Lillieroos opened the meeting at (10:40am US Central time) after several connection issues had been solved.
The agenda was approved unanimously.
The meeting secretary was decided to be the Chairman as well, based on the more existing Internet experience.
The procedure is that every answer has to follow the given number that you have. I have number 1 and will be the first one to write.
Silas was not in the meeting therefore CL talked on the budget issues. The critical issue is the deadline of January 15 for all submission of receipts for this year. We do not know what the current status is on our IPC account, and CL will meet with Martin Mehren in Boon about that next week. ITTC is the only sport that gets a reduction for the 2001 budget from US$18,000 to US$16,000. If we are not even are using up our 2000 budget we have no arguments for getting more in 2001 so get all you receipts in now. Each member was asked to estimate their receipts left to turn in for year 2000. Nico does not have any expenses. Aksel only has the Sydney Air flight invoice of about AUS$3000 and absolutely maximum US$1000 in expenses from last year including Sydney. Jiri has no expenses but suggests that maybe we could give some money to member for phone calls, fax e-mails etc. To improve the 2001 budget we could give for ex US$100 per member/year. Aart has only some phone calls and his committee has not created any expenses. Jiri’s air ticket to Bonn will be very expensive, about USD 900 !!! Jiri ordered the ticket two weeks ago, if a weekend stay is included the prices will be much cheaper. Jiri will investigate if it is possible to stay later in Bonn to get a better Airline price. Christian will bring it up with Martin Mehren, in Bonn to see if something more practical can be worked out.
Margit had some suggestions for recommendations of replacements that were discussed. The committee felt that no adjustments to the structure should be necessary. The new person should be able to learn the procedures pretty fast if they have experience in administration work.
8. Selection of new Technical Officer, Aksel is resigning. Any structure changes?
Aksel will support the new T.O., and we will have an elected position in 2002 as T.O. so the decision was taken to keep a person in that position even if we are inexperienced about the position. It will be important to have enough people to help on the sub committee, and to have a meeting soon. Beckmann said: I have also persons in Australia that can do umpires Seminars in the FESPIC area. Specifically Steven Lee, the Referee for the Paralympics and Fran Keyhoe, deputy Referee at the Paralympics, very much would like to work in the umpire / Referee area. Aly Salam, USA, deputy referee in Sydney, has promised to keep the database of umpires and Referees updated. It was unanimously decided to offer the job to Raul Calin from ESP. Aksel will be on the sub committee as a member. The selection of TD’s is now transferred to the Tournament committee. The new T.O. will decide on the composition of the committee members and will make a presentation to the Executive committee.
Lillieroos Thanked Aksel and Margit again for all the help over the years, and hoped that they would get back to ITTC soon in some capacity. We understand the need to take care of the children for now.
Some informal discussions were made but the sub committee will have a meeting in Bonn on Wednesday January 9th, and will make a final report at the meeting in Bonn.
Moved to next week in Bonn
Moved to next week in Bonn
Moved to next week in Bonn
Moved to next week in Bonn
Moved to next week in Bonn