Dear ITTC related and interested Table Tennis enthusiasts. The International Table Tennis Committee for the disabled has finally caught up with the communication age. We are now officially announcing our new webpage. The two web masters that we have is first from Taiwan Dr. Chi-Shih Wu, who is also the very hard working ranking officer for ITTC. He has established a new ranking program that is helping our progres of the results tremendously. He is also working on a selection program for our Selection chair Massimo Bernadoni that we soon will release, that will make it possible for everyone to monitor and follow the fair but complicated selection progress to our world events, the World Championships and the Paralympics. Our other webmaster is Gael Marziou from Grenoble, France. He is a professional computer prgrammer and is also a competitive class 3 table tennis player, who has been very generous in letting us borrow his expertise from the computer industry. Things to see on the website is the newly released Rules and Regulation handbook, that you can read or download directly from the website. This mammut task has been completed by our rules and regulations officer Aksel Beckmann from Denmark. You can also see the new ranking of course and have a directory of the ITTC members, where almost everyone is available on e-mail. Have fun and look it up on a regular basis almost every answer you can imagine could be answered on the webpage. Christian Lillieroos ITTC Chairman 1998/4/2