Christian Lillieroos wrote: > > Hi everyone > This is the minutes from the meeting that was held with the nations > during the FESPIC table tennis championships. > All the clountries that attended will receive a copy, this e-mail makes > that copy valid, so lease forward this information to your respective > country. For the other countries outside FESPIC, For your information. > > Christian Lillieroos > Chairman ITTC > > * Meeting Minutes > > Date: 10/31/97 > Time: 10:00 am > Location: Hong Kong, Kowloon Conference Room A > > * > > 10:00 Christian Lillieroos Introduction and Overview > Nations present: Australia, Narau, Sri Lanka, Chinese Taipei, Korea, > Japan, Thailand, Hong Kong. > ITTC committee members presented and their individual responsibilities. > 1) Christian Lillieroos; Chairman & Pan Am representative. 2) Marianne > Baertelsen Secretary, Communications. 3) Aart Kruimer Medical officer, > Classification. 4) Silas Chiang, FESPIC representative, Treasurer. 5) > Massimo Bernadoni, Selections. 6) Jiri Danek Tournament organization. 7) > Oivind Eriksen, ITTF relations, ISMWSF rep. > > 10:15 Marianne/Christian Communications. > Currently all mail goes to the National Paralympic Committees, but many > times they get lost so therefore we also need to send it to the National > Table Tennis addresses. That needs to be updated as often as we have > international tournaments. That the update on communication was > circulated. We have a webpage. > by Dr.Wu : You can't enter it since Jan,1998)
> That has the ranking, the rules and regulations and will soon have the > tournament calendar with the contact information. > > 10:45 Silas Chiang FESPIC area and plans > Taipei is interested to host next FESPIC Table Tennis Championship 1999. > Hong Kong has been asked to organize the next World Championships 2002, > based on their performance this championships. Next FESPIC games is in > Bangkok January 1999. Australia is planning on having a disabled table > tennis tournament is conjunction with their Australian Open for able > bodied in September -98. The top player from each country will be > invited with expenses paid for the rest can attend but will have to pay > their own expenses. > > 11:15 Vacant/Christian Sanctioning > The new regulations will be mailed to the nations shortly. The > sanctioning regulations are with 6 levels. 100 points is Paralympics, 80 > points is world championships, 50 points regional championships, 30 > points open international championships with classification and TD, 20 > points open international championships without classification and TD, > 10 points invited countries only in the region. > > 11:45 Massimo Bernadoni / Christian Selections: Procedure for Sydney, > & for France -98 > 65% World ranking, 30% regional quota, 5 % wild card. The year before a > world tournament the regional championships is the selection tournament > for the regional quota. In the team event at least one player needs to > be qualified for the individuals, the second player is selected by the > country. > > 12:15 Aart Kruimer Classification: New research on new classes > suggestion from -96. > The meeting in Atlanta stated that the classifiers would do a research > if the classes could be combined fairly after year 2000. The current > situation is that class 9 seems to be possible to split, and have the > lesser disabled go up to current class 10 and the lower disabled go to > current class 8. The higher class 7 should maybe go to class 10. Class 4 > looks possible to spit where athletes with a spinal cord injury (or > equivalent) in T12 and lower will go up to current class 5 and T11 and > higher go down to the current class 3. The minimal disability was also > looked upon where a third arm amputation currently is the current only > limitation but the ability of the non playing hand also needs to be > taken into consideration. The suggestion is that it can not be used in > serving to reach minimal disability. Further extra classifications will > be done to test a new system in France. > > 12:45 Christian Lillieroos Information other areas: Ranking, Pan > Am., ISMWSF, ITTF-relations, budget. > a) The ranking chairman Alf Bogner has resigned, due to health reasons. > Therefore the process of the ranking has been delayed. b) Us-Open will > be held in Houston, Texas July 1 -5 as a 20 or 30 point tournament. The > entry forms will be sent out in February. Pan AM will have a regional > games in 1999 in Mexico city. c) The Stoke Mandeville Games will be > played July 20 -30 with table tennis. It will most likely be sanctioned > as a 20 point tournament. d) ITTF will maybe play disabled combined team > events, with 3-men teams for men and 2 player team for the women, in the > able bodied world championships in Belgrade Yugoslavia. The combined > points fro men wheelchair would be 10 points and for women 8. Standing > men would be 26, and for women open. We are also trying to include the > wheelchair rules in the ITTF rules, which would make the ITTF certified > umpires ITTC certified automatically. Another proposal is to make a rule > that when an able bodied plays against a wheelchair player the > wheelchair rules is in affect for the able bodied player. > > 13:00 Meeting adjourned > > Christian Lillieroos > Meeting chairman
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